Thursday, November 30, 2006

They're refreshing!

Went to the OG today. (That's "Ockley Green," for all those non-homies out there.)
I didn't teach, but I realized something: In the midst of so much chaos this week, and in addition to the muscle relaxers I'm now taking for my back that I have so cruelly abused with stress and freeweights, Ockley Green was my solace. I had a blast. It was relaxing, in a way. I revelled in seeing my favorite students, I zipped through entering grades, and I enjoyed joking around with the troublemakers. Lots of students call me by name, and many ask what I'm teaching the next day. I think maybe, just maybe, I'm starting to enjoy this...

I have, as mentioned earlier, sustained some sort of back injury. Heating pads, muscle relaxers that don't work, useless Ibuprofin, painful massages, interrupted sleep, etc. etc. *sigh* What have I done to myself?

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