Friday, April 25, 2008


We've been talking about your digestive and immune systems in Science recently. One student last week asked if it was dangerous to drink your own urine. I casually said no, that urine was generally sterile. Another student asked if *I* would do it, then. Of course! I said. It's no big deal! -But I couldn't do it then, as I had just gone to the bathroom.

So, knowing that the next time I saw them they'd remind me that I'd said that, I planted some white grape juice in the staff bathroom. Of course they reminded me. Two students escorted me directly to the bathroom with empty cup in hand. After a minute or two, out I came with cup, complete with pale yellow liquid. We went upstairs, showed the class that there was, indeed, real "urine" in there, and I drank half of it, dramatics and all. Oh, how I relished their disgusted reaction! The gasps! The "eww"s! The gags! The rumors in the subsequent days! Some students don't quite believe me. Others believe and refuse to talk about it anymore. Some beg me to do it again.

I think that the crazier my students think I am, the better.


Amberlynn said...

You've gotta be one of the best teachers in the world! Hilarious.

Emily said...

rolling with laughter!

Hey, It's Ansley said...


Carrie and Tyson said...


Skye said...

That's SO funny! Gotta love messing with students heads.

I actually DID drink urine as a kid. My brother brought me some and told me it was lemonade. took me a few sips to figure it out. gross.

connectedlight said...

okay it takes a lot for me to laugh out loud...and i am still chuckling! you rock you nasty woman you!