Saturday, January 24, 2009

I think some students have found my blog. Not that I'm freaking out or anything, and I can't lie and say I'm not curious about who it is, but it's a strange feeling having my two very different worlds clashing. So, if you're a student, this is my message to you: I don't blame you for your curiosity, and I'm sure I'm not nearly as interesting as you were hoping, but it weirds me out just a little that you're here. That being said, please don't tell me who you are, and please don't tell other students where my site is. It's not that I don't welcome you into my personal life, but I like to keep things separate, you know?

It was funny, though, after I made this discovery I had Liz try to "find" me on the interwebs. She's one of the more capable people with technology (duh, she's our tech/art teacher) so I figure if she couldn't do it, then I don't know how other people are. Also, my personal info is hidden on Facebook, so that's not the avenue. Who knows.

In other news, I had an exhausting/great week. It started at the beach with a hike, the most perfect weather, fresh clam chowder and ice cream. Then we had Exhibition, which was awesome and I've never been more proud of our students ever ever ever, then I did a little shopping and a little cooking and I'm feeling great and totally happy. On the other hand, my kitchen is a total mess and I need to work on that. But my life can't be 100% awesome, can it?
Also, in science we've been constructing Rube Goldberg machines. I am in total awe at what some of the kids have done. We've had fire, electric guitars + amps, boats, and dangerous flinging bungees. I like a little chaos in the classroom but this week was really trying! I had to just let it all go. 95% of them were totally on task and into the assignment so I had little to do while they worked. Pictures to come later!


Steve said...

Sweet pic's! Looks like it was a gorgeous day...

Gage & Jessica said...

I ended up making my blog private for the sole reason of clients and your husband, but now he can access my blog through your site. Damned cunning man he is...

Stargirl said...

How did he manage that? I try to keep him out of most things, too. I completely understand.

Iron Chef Boyardee said...

If only distance were a remedy to how dead sexy he is.