Hubby and I went to Jared and Skye's on New Year's Eve. It was delightful! We spent some time pre-party cooking our favorite party foods. I made sushi and James made Gougeres (delightful French cheese puffs) with Fontina and Gruyere. We also brought Aroma, who quickly made friends with Jared and Kaarina.

We were really happy to see our friends. Aroma enjoyed cuddling with Kaarina!
Before we went to the party, I gave Hubby a haircut and he sculpted his fine man-face-hair into a stylish 70's fu and sideburns. He even parted his hair for a true sleezy-70's 'do. Sexy!

We were really happy to see our friends. Aroma enjoyed cuddling with Kaarina!
Skye and Jared always have the most delightful food at their place. This cheese was divine.
It's an Apricot Stilton. I decided to do a bit of reading about it, and found that it must be made in one of three counties in England to actually be called a Stilton. Also, a study in 2005 found that 85% of women had weird/bizarre dreams after going eating it and then going to bed. Oddly enough, I had two really freaky dreams last night - freaky enough that they woke me up and demanded snuggles from Hubby. We had a good laugh about blaming the cheese for my terrible night sleep.
Toby (on bottom) and Aroma snuggle with Hubby and I. This is a usual sight in the evenings after their dinner time.
I always have bizarre dreams when I eat ice cream right before bed. Weird?
Great food! I wish I was at your party. I always have the craziest dreams on pain most of September and October 2007 was full of some pretty freaky nights... Happy New Year!
Happy New Year my dear friends! I am looking for a new job right now so a little soon as I chill I will be giving you a call...that is a promise. Love and Light to you!
That looks amazing, better than what we paid to eat on New Years at Mr. Whangs Sushi bar. James looks hilarious.
Hey Lady!!!!!! I'm so happy I found you! Let me know how you are doing!
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