Hubby and I are hoping I don't get sick again this holiday season. I'm jinxed, I tell you. Help!
So far, though, I'm feeling pretty good, and I even avoided a nasty cold that Hubby had. How I avoid such things when I'm the one with the compromised immune system is beyond me, especially with the number of students who have been ill. That place is a Petri dish.
School's going great though. I mean, the students are getting antsi (sp?), but that usually happens around the holidays anyway. We also just got done with our first quarter. In another two weeks we'll be 1/3 the way through this school year. Man, is it flying by.
I have a silly friend at school this year, too. Liz is the technology/art teacher, and we both strongly believe in being absurd. There is much absurdity that is keeping me sane this year.

Speaking of absurd: yesterday, in one of my science classes, I gave the kids a 5 minute break between two activities. One of the particularly understated kids walked out of the classroom, and 30 seconds later walked back in... with a taco. A perfectly formed, un-bitten taco. Mind you, my classroom is rather isolated from the rest of the school, and there's only one other class nearby, and few students. He just walked back in holding the taco, looked at me, looked at the taco, then said, "If Stephani didn't want her taco stolen she shouldn't have given me her locker combination." Then he ate it. ...Tomorrow when he's in class again, I'm hiding a taco in my classroom to procure at just the right moment. ...And I guess you guys might not think that was such a funny story, and maybe it's just one of those you-have-to-know-the-kid-and-you-had-to-have-been-there situations, but that incident has kept me going now for two days.
Nope, it's pretty funny. I mean, a taco??!!! As my Jasper would say, "Wat da?!"
Grandma asked me how you are, and I told her. This confirms it. Good luck with that health thing. Don't want to do that again, do you?
Yay! Stay healthy! Oh, and I believe it is spelled antsy. Or if they were acting like old ladies pinching babies cheeks they might be auntsy.
Update on the taco: Liz, my partner in crime at the school (teaches tech), helped me with the plan. I got a taco, hid it in the cabinet, then waited for class. The student didn't show up! I even had other students texting/calling him for me. He wouldn't answer. So, I got one of her students from her classroom to sneak it in and procure the taco when she was in close proximity. Students reported that she fell on the floor laughing. Meanwhile, the principal was performing hi jinx of her own.
Mmmmmmm, taco. That sounds good.
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