Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Today I received an awesome surprise - and one that teachers rarely get.
On the master schedule, I had no class listed for my 3rd period. I figured that since my colleague is leaving before the end of the quarter, and that I was taking over her class the next quarter, that I was going to be given special assignments until she goes on maternity leave. Turns out, they really just didn't know what class to have me teach. Now there's a group of students (mostly freshman and sophomore, I guess) that need an elective. "Make it fun!", they said. So I asked my current Psych class what I should teach, and got everything from Oceanography, Astronomy and Psychology, to Home Economics. I suggested maybe a World Cultures class, and they totally jumped at that. And since I'm Social Studies endorsed, I can offer a "Cultural Anthropology" class and it will count toward their Social Studies credits! Woo!

So now I'm brainstorming all the things I can do with it. I've been tossing ideas for this class around for a couple of years, and now I get to teach it! We'll learn different cultures' dress, dance, music, food, and social norms. I know it sounds kinda boring but I'm super psyched to teach it.


russia boy said...

Fun! That sounds like my favorite class at BYU - Humanities 201 and 202. Hands down the most interesting, fun and awesome class ever! You will be fantastic at it :)

Danika said...

When I started college I didn't even know what Anthropology was but I took a basic Anthropology class at BYU. It was far and away one of the most interesting classes I have ever taken. You're going to be awesome!!!