Friday, October 12, 2007

Not gross this time!

I looooooooovvee autumn.

The first day I step outside and smell the smell of October is one of my favorite days of the year...

The beautiful sunrises that I've been enjoying as I drive to work start my day off wonderfully...

The squash soup, the pink and red berries, the crunch of leaves underfoot, the anticipation of trees' color transformation, the wearing of sweaters and scarves, the smell of carved pumpkins, the visible puff of your own breath...

Oh, I love it, I love it all!

**I've decorated my classroom with spiderwebs, fake gourds (real ones would get stolen and smashed, unfortunately...), and orange leaf clusters (thank you Michael's 50% off sale!). My Smartboard looks like it lives in the forest. I have self-appointed decorating advisers that add little things every day. How many leaves are too much?


Skye said...

I'm not sure there's such a thing as "too many leaves." (although I'm sure Jared would beg to differ if I tried to decorate my living room with them)

Gage & Jessica said...

I have a big CARS (The movie) poster in my office, and then some racing black and white checker flag strips around the top two opposing walls. It looks like a NASCAR pit stop, but the kids love it. I always thought I was going to hang my degrees all over the wall but what 5-year old kid cares about paper on the wall unless it is a picture he drew...

Oh, and if I saw gourds in your office I would steal them and smash them too.

Miss L said...

mmm, pumpkin soup! I've smashed a gourd or two in my time.

I'm going to NYC Friday - Monday. Remember our trip oh-so-many years ago?