Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Punched in the gut

So, during 2nd period, my principal and the McMinnville School District Superintendent unexpectedly dropped by for a good 10 minutes.

Uuuuuuummmmm..... I hope that's not a normal occurrence. Not a bad experience, but I lost a lot of "teaching umph" resulting from my heart stopping for a good 60 seconds. I wonder if they could actually see my eyes popping out of my head.

They went to everybody's class. Liz lucked out. It was her prep period.


Skye said...

ha ha ha! When I was a kid I always wondered if it bothered the teachers when some bigwig stopped by.

Anonymous said...

That's sorta like having your mama watch you cook. Or having the Bishop come to a party. See, nothing to it.