Thursday, December 28, 2006

Terrible, terrible, terrible confession

I have committed a horrible act of betrayal.

To appease my hubby's desire that I become interested in more things he's interested in (a completely rational and fair desire--), I agreed to try playing World of Warcraft with him. This agreement was made with the qualifying term, "sometime." A noncommittal committment, if there ever was one. Now, that is not to say that I never meant to play... but considering the time when I said it (I was quite busy with school and such), and that it goes against my rational nature to waste my time playing a computer game when there are things that need to be done, I just wasn't sure when "sometime" was--probably within the next 8 months. I bug James about getting things done before he plays all the time.

So, last week James (perhaps unwittingly?) tricked me into playing. I will always claim I was tricked. About a month ago James installed Warcraft on my computer, so it was ready any time I felt the slightest need to, I dunno, become a big cow and carry a big stick and hit imaginary spiders with it. I guess that need happens sometimes. To nerds. In their parent's basements. At any rate, last week James mentioned that he had created a few characters that were ready any time I wanted to play. Now, creating a character has by nature a creative (and hence, fun) aspect to it, so if I was going to play the damned game I at least was going to have the pleasure of making my own dude to run around with said big stick. So I said, "No, I want to create a character myself!" I didn't mean right then, but since it was Christmas break and I didn't have any school or committments, I had no excuse. At that, James instructed me to open up Warcraft, and the rest is history.

So now, with six more lessons in my unit to write, the laundry to finish, the house to clean, and packages to mail, I am wasting my time "leveling" my human "mage." At least I chose a character that James is embarrassed to be seen with, and I can still tease him about that.


Iron Chef Boyardee said...

Sigh... now just imagine if I used my powers for good...

Or at least used my powers for something worthwhile...


Stargirl said...

awe..... I made myself feel bad!

Iron Chef Boyardee said...

See, I was figuring you'd expect me to go with the "become a big cow and carry a big stick", but no, it's just too easy.

Emily said...

This is toooo funny
hee hee,

Emily said...

this link is for you two...

Stargirl said...

Oh. My. Goodness.

I almost wet myself I was laughing too hard!!!

Tamara said...

I, for one, am grateful to know that this proves that there is, in fact, someone for everyone.
I heart you nerds.

Stargirl said...

To Warcraft's credit, they do have some quirky things written into the game, that I've always thought were fun. For instance, there are little bunnies and squirrels hopping about in the forest, and you can adopt a pet who travels with you, like a tiger or a dinosaur.

Okay, so maybe the dinosaur is nerdy.

Anonymous said...

Your quest mage, if you choose to accept it, is to journey to the far off land of Winco and retrieve something known only to the ancient mystics as "top ramen". Good Luck!

Stargirl said...

I shall use my rank 2 Arcane magic spells to ward off any warlocks that may buy the last of what you call "chicken" flavor!

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh... what a confessional this is! Well my darlings, at least now you have one more way you can spend quality time together.

Is this the one where you can make the characters dance like gittin' jiggy wit' it gangstas?