Thursday, February 02, 2006


Last week, as I got into my car to go to work, the sun winked at me!

I am ashamed that I didn't immediately post it on my blog. I guess I didn't think many people would understand.

What I found out, though, when I told people that the sun winked at me, was that more people believed me than I thought... and come to find out, I wasn't the only person the sun winked at! I am thankful for all these sun-winks.

The next morning, as I was on my way to Emily's super-fantastic yoga and breakfast festivity (an hour late, sadly), I turned on my radio to the jazz station. They were playing old-tyme jazz from the 20's, the kind flappers would enjoy. Well, as soon as the music started, so did the rain, and boy, did it dance! So did all the cars on the road, and the trees, and the stoplights, and my wipers, and the clouds! The world was dancing! Thank the heavens for sending dancing rain!

And you know what inspired me to write this blog more than anything? I wrote it for those people who see the rain dance too. Ariana, I know you are one of them, and I hope that day the rain danced at your house as it did at mine. You are one of the few that notices when the world is alive.


Jason and Emily said...

hee hee! Giggle giggle! yippee!

Emily said...

simply splendid thoughts