Thursday, February 09, 2006

Is anyone else angry?!

From the New York Times:
Iraq Utilities Are Falling Short of Prewar Performance

WASHINGTON, Feb. 8 — Virtually every measure of the performance of Iraq's oil, electricity, water and sewerage sectors has fallen below preinvasion values even though $16 billion of American taxpayer money has already been disbursed in the Iraq reconstruction program, several government witnesses said at a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on Wednesday...

...In addition, two of the witnesses said they believed that an earlier estimate by the World Bank that $56 billion would be needed for rebuilding over the next several years was too low.

At the same time, as Iraq's oil exports plummet and the country remains saddled with tens of billions of dollars of debt, it is unclear where that money will come from, said one of the witnesses, Joseph A. Christoff, director of international affairs and trade at the Government Accountability Office.

And those may not be the most serious problems facing Iraq's pipelines, storage tanks, power lines, electrical switching stations and other structures, said Stuart W. Bowen Jr., the special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction, an independent office.

In one sense, focusing on the plummeting performance numbers "misses the point," Mr. Bowen said. The real question, he said, is whether the Iraqi security forces will ever be able to protect the infrastructure from insurgent attack.

"What's happened is that an incessant, an insidious insurgency has repeatedly attacked the key infrastructure targets, reducing outputs," Mr. Bowen said. He added that some of the performance numbers had fluctuated above prewar values in the past, only to fall again under the pressure of insurgent attacks and other factors.


Anonymous said...

no, not really.

Stargirl said...

You're not angry that the US invades a nation under the pretense that they have nuclear weapons, but we really just want control of their oil... and we kill innocent people for our "cause," but we end up destroying infrastructure with our bombs, DECREASE oil production, AND pollute the water... and now we'll say we pay for it, but we don't have enough money to take care of our own? If that doesn't make you angry, than you are either stupid or heartless.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I wasn't the previous anonymous.

paul said...

HA! I'm just glad that we "liberated" all those poor Iraqis from the violent, oppressed existence that they had before we bombed the crap out them. Now the bells of freedom can ring throughtout the country (as long as they're not electrically powered).

Good thing we didn't waste our time with diplomacy to win the war on terror. We did win right? Of course we did, "Mission Accomplished" right?

Oh, the insurgents, they'll give up. I mean, deep down they're really glad that we liberated them, right?

We've destroyed another country but... it will rise from the ashes as another puppet country run by American economic interests, so... who cares!? We won!

Stargirl said...

Yay for winning! Winning is the most important thing ever! I love winning! I'm a winner!

Oh, and whoever the first "anonymous" was... It's sad that you don't even have the balls to reveal who you are.

Anonymous said...

Who cares really. Look at the neighborhood their in. Iran with a nuclear crisis and saying Israel doesn't have a right to exist. Hamas won the palestinian election and they're a huge terroist organization. Syria has many militants contributing to the whole mess. Lebanon has the valley of Meggido which will be the place of armegeddon. All the pieces are coming together. Every country in the region is in turmoil to some degree. Now I wasn't the first poster, but it's hard to be mad at the inevitable. It's going to happen and nothing's going to stop it so why worry or feel anything really.

See the world needs to get all fired up and want to destroy Israel. Then just as their about to fall the Savior will come to the mount of olives and be the Savior like they have expected all along. Then they shall say what are these marks in your hands and feet. It all exist to show the Jews who the real Savior of the world is. That will be like the coolest day ever. Personally not only does this not bug me but I look forward to it. This is Ryan by the way. Yet the first message wasn't mine. What do women have since they don't have balls?

Kristin said...

I think allowing the world to be as bad as it can possibly be in an effort to usher in the second coming is a disturbed action. If people believe in Christ, then they should try as diligently as they can to love others. That entails caring about their situation.

I have a nice pair of tits.

Anonymous said...

Kristin if I'm to attack you like Stargirl did to anonymous then I should say you don't have the tits to admit it. I guess I'll remember that for the future.

Kristin said...

Ryan, oh, wait, anonymous #2, you were the one who posted the obnoxious question about what women have in place of balls. I answered you. Besides, your comment to me made no sense at all. Maybe you should explain your assertion that I "don't have the tits to admit it." Admit what? Audrey's comment to anonymous #1 was that they didn't have the balls to admit who they were. Your yet again nameless comment is about you attacking me like Stargirl did to anonymous #1. I see my name by my post. So again, what admission do I need to make?

Kristin said...
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Emily said...

i have nice tits too...