Monday, December 27, 2010

2011 Resolutions

I didn't use to be, but I'm now a big believer in setting New Year's Resolutions (not that mine always stick). There's something magical about starting fresh, making amends with yourself, and vowing to be a better person one way or another.

Last year, my resolution was to try two new things a month. I did it! Admittedly, some of them were kind of cop-outs (little things that didn't really stretch my comfort zone or teach me much), but I forgive myself for those since it was such a busy year. What was really magical about this year was that I feel like I'm twice the person I was last year (gained weight notwithstanding). Some of my favorite things I've done include:
*bought a house
*acted as principal
*walked on hot coals
*oil paint
*make my own household cleaners

I've learned a whole new world of spirituality, gotten over many of my food qualms, and I can now spend a day in three inch heels. I learned how to give myself the space I need, when to let others stand up for me, and when and how to advocate for myself. I can also shoot a rifle and this year I hope to go hunting for my first time.

I'm not intending to brag, but I do give myself some major props. I think this is the first Resolution I've completed fully, and I might just continue it.

This year's resolution: Give two gifts a month.

The rules are: 1: the gift must be meaningful, 2: birthdays/anniversaries don't count unless the person wouldn't normally get a gift from me, and 3: avoid store-bought at all costs. I also have the option of doing it anonymously, but that's not necessary.