Monday, December 27, 2010

2011 Resolutions

I didn't use to be, but I'm now a big believer in setting New Year's Resolutions (not that mine always stick). There's something magical about starting fresh, making amends with yourself, and vowing to be a better person one way or another.

Last year, my resolution was to try two new things a month. I did it! Admittedly, some of them were kind of cop-outs (little things that didn't really stretch my comfort zone or teach me much), but I forgive myself for those since it was such a busy year. What was really magical about this year was that I feel like I'm twice the person I was last year (gained weight notwithstanding). Some of my favorite things I've done include:
*bought a house
*acted as principal
*walked on hot coals
*oil paint
*make my own household cleaners

I've learned a whole new world of spirituality, gotten over many of my food qualms, and I can now spend a day in three inch heels. I learned how to give myself the space I need, when to let others stand up for me, and when and how to advocate for myself. I can also shoot a rifle and this year I hope to go hunting for my first time.

I'm not intending to brag, but I do give myself some major props. I think this is the first Resolution I've completed fully, and I might just continue it.

This year's resolution: Give two gifts a month.

The rules are: 1: the gift must be meaningful, 2: birthdays/anniversaries don't count unless the person wouldn't normally get a gift from me, and 3: avoid store-bought at all costs. I also have the option of doing it anonymously, but that's not necessary.


Paul and Susan said...

That is a neat resolution you accomplished last year. You are very adventuresome. This years resolution sounds pretty challenging. Good luck with it!

Anonymous said...

This year's resolution should be to actually post on this blog some more. You can do it!

RCA said...